Newsletter March 2023
Hello everyone,
The month of March brings celebrations of all kinds. Happy St. Patrick's Day, March Madness, Women's History Month, and most importantly, Happy Match Day!
To all who matched into residency programs this month, congratulations! We are excited to witness the growth and learning that is to come for this upcoming generation of child and adolescent psychiatrists. We hope you are celebrating and taking some well deserved time for yourselves prior to starting intern year. If there is any way the MSR team can support you in your transition to residency, please feel free to reach out.
We hope to see you at our next MSR meeting on April 10th 2023 at 5PM PST/8PM EST to meet other CAP enthusiasts, discuss current projects and initiatives by your colleagues, and learn more about how to become involved in MSR!
Happy Spring!
Evelyn Ashiofu, MD, MPH

Alyssa Shaffner, MD


Co-chairs of AACAP’s Committee on Medical Students and Residents

Join us in celebrating these incredible psychiatrists who have recently graduated out of MSR into ECP. While words cannot fully express our appreciation of their contributions to making the MSR committee what it is today, here are some of our thoughts...
To both of you,
It is hard to write how you both have impacted me and shaped my time and involvement with MSR. From when I first met you in Chicago in 2019 to helping me get connected afterward. You both have encouraged me, challenged me, and supported me. Your leadership allowed MSR to grow and to flourish. The number of annual meeting submissions, longitudinal events, and number of MSR participants increased exponentially under your leadership. I believe a large part of the growth MSR as seen over recent years is due to your warm, welcoming nature as amazing leaders.
You both have left a permanent mark on MSR. While I am excited for the direction MSR is going with the help from amazing co-chairs (Jess and Evelyn), we will never forget how you both helped pave the way: advocating for change and encouraging trainees to speak up while also navigating some more difficult topics. I am thankful to have you both as mentors, but more importantly, as friends. Don't be strangers; we hope to see you at numerous events at the Annual Meeting but also throughout the year as your busy lives allow.
- Alyssa Shaffner
Cindy and Alissa – thank you so much for leading our MSR Committee so well! You both have been mentors and friends to me and have made AACAP MSR the welcoming community it is today. You are both so inspiring, and lead by example – thank you for being such amazing role models and for creating opportunities for all of us to engage in AACAP! It has been so fun working with you both in MSR and I’m looking forward to continuing to collaborate in the future!
- Bharat Sanders
I cannot express in words the immensity of your contributions to the committee during your tenure. Whether it be via expanding our MATCH support events, year long CDF, diversity and culture, wellness, advocacy, creating publishing opportunities, introducing fresh annual meeting programming…you have opened up opportunities for countless MSRs. Over the pandemic and beyond, your leadership served as the glue that held us all together. You believed in me and the AACAP MSR Peer Mentorship Program since its inception and in writing the grant. You have been such a source of inspiration and I’m so grateful for your leadership! 
- Ani Chakraborty 
It has been so wonderful to watch you develop over the years from a quiet, humble, and unassuming MSR Committee volunteer to a confident and admirable leader and Co-Chair of the Committee. I'll never forget your generosity and leadership on the Committee while I was away on parental leave, and it was such a privilege to attend Council meetings with you by my side. I am continually in awe of all of your hard work and accomplishments (where do you even find the time?!) and your relentless support of and loyalty to your peers. The Committee and its impact has grown tremendously through your efforts and under your guidance, Cindy, and you will be so missed!
- Cordelia Ross
Thank you Cindy for being such an incredible mentor. Your guidance is much appreciated. Although you graduated from the committee, I continue to feel inspired by all you have done for us. Best wishes on your new role as an early career psychiatrist!
- Lalita Thitiseranee
Are there even words in the English dictionary to describe my appreciation and admiration for you? As a busy intern flipping and flopping rotations and schedules while adjusting to the life of having a full-time job, you were my steady rock. Thank you for being my right-hand woman with turning this newsletter into what it is today as co-editor in chief, and for always picking up the slack when my busy intern schedule got in the way. I don't know how I could've done a lot of my MSR commitments without you. And not to mention surviving residency, you were always there for me in providing a listening ear and an advocating voice. You have set the stage for continued mentorship in every aspect of the word. Thank you, and I look forward to watching you grow over the course of your career, as we stay in touch through this wonderful community.
- Megan Single
Dr. Cindy Chou helped introduce me to AACAP and got me involved with AACAP Annual Meeting. Despite her busy schedule, she made sure to check on me during my stressful time with the MATCH. I am grateful for her leadership and thoughtfulness.
- Thomas Pak
Thank you so much for all of the hard work you put in to make the MSR committee grow and thrive over the past years as our fearless leader! I'm sure you are going to flourish with all the things ECP life has in store for you, and I'm so excited for all the wonderful things that lie ahead for you!  Your gentle presence and thoughtful care will be so dearly missed!
- Carly Kawanishi
Thank you so much for being a guiding light to me throughout my medical school journey. As both an “official” MSR mentor and unofficial mentor to me, your insights and warmness have been invaluable. I cannot wait to see where your career takes you as a clinician, a scientist, and a mentor to others. It has been such an honor to have been your mentee! 
- Aria Vitale


Here are some widely known facts about Cindy: 

Cindy loves cats. 

Cindy is an introvert. 

Cindy is a brilliant grant writer.  

Cindy-you are diligent, passionate, self-less and as authentic as they come. During her tenure,you brought a culture that said, “you have an idea, let’s make it happen!” I don’t think that I have ever seen you shut down an idea, ever. You inspire others by showing them the path and lead from behind. You are generous and humble and profoundly influential. Your ideas have left an indelible mark on our projects. Your ideas and vision on the Abramson Grant funded projects (Who came up with the title CAP Exposed?) are timeless. Thank you for all your wisdom on our late evening phone calls. (You have great listening skills!)  Through you, I have learned the power of inclusivity and team work-allowing all to bring their best, for the benefit of all. 

You have touched the lives of so many as a mentor and given meaning to them through your leadership. Most of all, you are a genuine, all around awesome friend. You have been such a tremendous source of inspiration and I’m so grateful for you and all that you do!

- Ani Chakraborty

I still remember meeting you for the first time when we were medical students at our first AACAP conference in San Diego! You were kind, poised, and so smart -- it was no surprise to watch you grow into an incredible leader in the MSR Committee and even more of an honor to briefly work alongside you as you Co-Chair. You've displayed so much patience and empathy as I transitioned into my new role as a mother while serving on the committee, and I will never forget your support of me as I attempted to balance everything. Thank you, Alissa, for your leadership and your friendship. I am so grateful that our paths crossed all those years ago!
- Cordelia Ross
What an inspiration. From the moment I met you, I remember being struck by your passion and poise. It was with such ease that you guided others and inspired growth through the MSR committee. And then to become closer friends and watch from the sidelines as you balanced motherhood, attendinghood, and leadership duties...still awestruck by your abilities. Thank you for always being the kind, supportive, caring human that you are. I look forward to seeing and reconnecting with you over the years, watching your little ones grow up, and watching you grow over the course of your career.
- Megan Single
Thank you so much for everything you have done to make the MSR committee such a welcoming and special place for so many trainees! I've so dearly appreciated getting to work with you on the self-compassion project over the years and loved hearing you share your story last year. You have been such a lovely role model and leader, and you will be so dearly missed!
- Carly Kawanishi
As a more junior MSR committee attendee, witnessing your thoughtfulness and candor at each MSR meeting since my MS1 year as you have carefully blazed a path for medical students and residents to build careers in the field has repeatedly reminded me of the wonderful people in CAP and affirmed my decision to pursue this career path at every step of the way. It was wonderful meeting you in person for the first time at AACAP this year and I look forward to continuing to run into you in the future!
- Aria Vitale


You have always been a role model of balance, poise, strength and thoughtfulness. Your dedication to the committee spans 7+ years and is reflected in your legacy.Thank you for entrusting me with growing the Peer Mentorship Program. I’ll never forget that our Abramson grant application was your idea :) Thank you so much for being an incredible leader and mentor!  I appreciate you more than words can express! 

- Ani Chakraborty

Welcome to our newest committee chairs! We are looking forward to all of the growth and opportunities that develop during their time.
Evelyn Ashiofu, MD, MPH
Jerry M. Wiener, MD, Resident Member of Council
Current CAP2 Fellow
New York Presbyterian Columbia/Cornell Program, New York, NY
Career interests: My career interests include emergency child psychiatry, juvenile justice, underrepresented minority youth mental health, recruitment of diverse child psychiatry workforce, understanding racialized trauma and its mental health impact on youth. I will be working in a child comprehensive psychiatric emergency program and a juvenile detention center in the Bronx. 
My Official MSR Role:
My role includes being the resident member of council and the MSR co-chair. As the resident member of council, I serve as a liaison between the trainees and students and the executive leadership within AACAP. This is a 2-year long position and also includes my role as the MSR committee co-chair. Additionally, I serve as the JEDI subcommittee chair where I hope to implement more diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives into the MSR committee.
The primary purpose of the Jerry M. Wiener, MD, Resident Member of Council is to be the representative of trainees, residents, and medical students within the AACAP council. They work in partnership with the John E. Schowalter, MD, Resident Member of Council to interact with and involve as many general and child and adolescent psychiatry residents and medical students as possible in AACAP. This position is appointed in odd years.
For more information on this position, click here and refer to page 12/13.
A little about me:
My hobbies and interests include traveling, going to concerts, hanging out with my friends and family , going to brunches, Orange theory classes, and creating content for my psychoeducation/mental wellness Instagram page, follow me:  @whatsgood_dr.ev  
Alyssa Shaffner, MD
MSR Continuity Co-Chair
Current PGY3, incoming CAP1 Fellow
UTMB, Galveston, TX
Career interests include foster care, developmental, and LGBT+ youth. I anticipate being an outpatient provider as I love the longitudinal aspect and really getting to know patients over years.
My Official MSR Role:
My term as the Continuity Co-Chair is 2 years. Traditionally the resident member of Council serve as the second co-chair and rotate annually, so the continuity co-chair aims to serve as a longitudinal leader. Additionally, I am the Longitudinal Subcommittee Chair. This encompasses Career Development Forum, Mentorship, and other aspects that happen throughout the year.
A little about me:
I am obsessed with my dog and cat (Magnesium aka Maggie and Melatonin aka Mellie). I am very family oriented and spend most of my free time with my niblings and extended family. I enjoy puzzles, baking, and movie nights.
Jessica Stephens, DO
John E. Schowalter, MD, Resident Member of Council
Current PGY4, incoming CAP2 Fellow
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, PA
Career interests: I would love to be a CAP program director one day and envision a combination of teaching and clinically providing outpatient care with a focus on early-childhood mental health, trauma and toxic stress, and behavioral interventions.
My Official MSR Role:
I've been an official member of the MSR Committee since I was a 4th year medical student. I am currently the John E. Schowalter Resident Member of Council, which is a two-year role. My first year, I serve as a representative on behalf of trainees on the AACAP Council and next year will co-chair the MSR Committee.
The primary purpose of the John E. Schowalter, MD, Resident Member of Council is to work in partnership with the Jerry M. Wiener, MD, Resident Member of Council to interact with and involve as many general and child and adolescent psychiatry residents and medical students as possible in AACAP. This position is appointed in even years, and serves a 2-year term. During the second year of their term, the resident member serves as the co-chair of the MSR committee.
For more information on this position, click here.
A little about me:
Before residency/fellowship, I was volleyball coach for a 14U club team. My husband, son, and I love all things fitness and spend our free time biking on the various trails in Pittsburgh when weather allows! 
Psychotherapy Enthusiast Listserv is an independent list for professionals interested in the application of psychodynamics to the mental health and psychiatric treatment of children, adolescents and families. Email Dr. Rachel Ritvo  or Dr. Magdalena Romanowicz  with your name, preferred email, location, training, interest, email receipt frequency (real time versus daily digest).
5/4/23 @ 7pm ET
Excellence Through Mentorship: Inspired to Write
Drs. Suzan Song and Corey Williams discuss academic and advocacy writing, and publishing opportunities.
Register HERE
4/10/23 @ 8pm ET
MSR Committee monthly meeting
Join us for our open meeting, which we host on the second Monday of each month via Zoom. We encourage everyone to start getting involved in the best Committee of AACAP! Learn more HERE
Check out last month's meeting minutes HERE
5/8-5/9/2023: AACAP 2023 Legislative Conference
Join AACAP's premier advocacy event in Washington DC! More information below and registration HERE (AACAP members only)
AACAP Diversity Component Meetings
Interested in being involved with our diversity components? Sign up for notifications HERE (all meetings @8PM ET)
Spring 2023 Deadlines
AACAP Trainee Awards
See the section below titled "Awards" for various award opportunities for trainees at all levels.
Submissions for the annual meeting were due February 15th. The AACAP Program Committee is reviewing applications and chairs will be notified via email of decisions in the coming months.
Late New Research Poster Deadline: June 7, 2023
AACAP’s 70th Annual Meeting Preliminary Schedule, including the full list of speakers, is available online on June 15, 2023.
Online registration for AACAP’s 70th Annual Meeting opens in August 2023. Be sure to register early to attend all your preferred events. Hotel reservations for the Annual Meeting open June 15, 2023. Stay tuned for more details.
Would you like to receive a FREE Annual Meeting Registration? If so, volunteer as a Monitor for one full day or two half days to receive free registration for the AACAP Annual Meeting. Check back in July 2023 for more information and to sign up to Monitor.

Your voice matters and Congress wants to hear from YOU!

We're calling on member-experts like you to share your valuable insights and experiences to help shape policies that improve access to top-notch mental health care for kids, and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce of child and adolescent psychiatrists. Join us in making a difference and shaping a brighter future for our youth!


Registration is FREE!

What are you waiting for – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TODAY!

Interested in getting involved in the MSR committee? Sign up for one of the volunteer opportunities below, it's the perfect way to start meeting people & getting involved!
Amid a national health crisis, your efforts as trainees are critical in caring for children and families. As frontliners, your voices are the loudest and most powerful. In a bid to support and develop trainee advocacy initiatives, the MSR Committee is calling for your thoughts, questions and stories on advocacy:
What are the critical issues in children's mental health that resonate with you the most today? What cause would you like to advocate for?
Tell us about your experiences participating in advocacy events? Have you attended AACAP Leg Con? How about other local events?
Email your thoughts to!
Explore an AACAP Committee Today!
Check out which Commitee may be open for participations HERE.
Join the MSR Committee - Welcome Flyer Here
We welcome trainees at all levels!
Interested in sharing your stories with our community? Email us today with your thoughts - we look forward to hearing from you!

AACAP is committed to supporting trainee involvement, particularly with an affinity to the groups below. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, sign up HERE.


Advocacy Liaison Network

Monthly on the 1st Monday @ 8PM EST


AACAP Alliance on Learning and Innovation

Every two months on the 3rd Tuesday @ 8PM EST

Next meeting on Tuesday May 16th 8pm EST


AACAP Diversity and Culture Committee

Monthly on the 4th Thursday @ 8PM EST

Next meeting on Thursday April 27th 8pm EST


AACAP Diversity and Culture Committee Components include:

Latinx - May 17th 2023 at 8pm EST (every 2 months on third Wed)

Asian - TBD

Black - April 11 2023 at 8pm EST (every 2 months on second Tues)


*Underlined links below are clickable!*


Medical Students
Residents, Fellows, and Early Career Psychiatrists


Take a look HERE at the other award opportunities AACAP has to offer! deadlines start in Spring 2023.

Interested in making connections, meeting a mentor, getting your questions answered, and hearing career stories from people in our field? The AACAP MSR Peer Mentorship Program is a buddy system that pairs a senior trainee or early career psychiatrist with a junior based on interests! We are always excited to have people join this lovely family, so sign up today!
Help match up mentors & mentees by signing up HERE!
Become a mentee HERE!
Become a mentor HERE!
Check out this article from Dr. Geralidine Fox: Here
Information about AACAP News are provided here. Contact for questions.
Information about JAACAP and JAACAP Connect are provided here. Contact the  JAACAP Editorial Office at or (202) 966-7300 ext. 153 for questions regarding potential topics, outlines, and articles.


JAACAP Call for Papers on the Effects of Race, Racism, Social Justice, and Health Equity in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [Deadline June 1, 2023]

JAACAP will publish a series of papers on the effects of race, racism, social justice, and health equity in child and adolescent psychiatry. These articles can cover the entire range of submissions within JAACAP including New Research, Reviews, Clinical Perspectives/Translations, Commentaries, Attachments, and book reviews.

Examples of highly relevant topics include the following:

  • a Systematic Review on the effects of structural racism on the mental health of children of color
  • a Clinical Perspectives on the role of race in the choice of a therapist
  • New Research Studies examining the impacts of impacts of systemic barriers on child development
  • the ways in which health inequities in access to care and quality of services impact minoritized children
  • how systemic barriers in child-serving entities intersect with externalizing behaviors
  • the ways in which experiences of discrimination in online digital and social media affect the mental health of minoritized youth

This JAACAP special series will be edited by Assistant Editor Eraka Bath, Deputy Editor Wanjikũ Njoroge, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Emerging Leaders Fellow Amalia Londoño Tobón; Associate Editor Robert Althoff; and Editor-in-Chief Douglas Novins.


Please direct inquiries and proposals to

JAACAP Call for Cover Artwork [Deadline: ongoing]

JAACAP seeks interesting images and original artwork by children and youth, including but not limited to those who have personally struggled with mental health challenges.

Submissions in which the artist reflects upon their identity, family, and/or community are particularly encouraged. If you work with an art therapy program or have artwork from children or grandchildren hanging on the fridge, encourage the artist and/or guardian to consider submitting to  JAACAP! For papers and artwork, questions and pre-submission inquiries should be directed to or

Check out these wonderful AACAP online resourcess!
Check out this video titled "Engaging The Next Generation of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists" 
CAPTuring Minds: A podcast presented by AACAP's Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Medical Students & Residents Committee

Listen HERE.


Episode 1: Why Child and Adolescent Psychiatry?

Host: Dr. Evelyn Ashiofu | Guests: Dr. Jose Vito and Dr. Cindy Chou

Meet the Newsletter creators!
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or have anything to feature in our MSR newsletter! You can email us at
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